Rabu, 25 November 2009

Diposting oleh mr-x

Here are reviews of programs paid-to-advertise that you can consider. Please note, most programs paid-to-advertise your blog or requires only English-language sites that can join the publisher (viewer ads).

Google Adsense

Google Adsense allows you to gain money from contextual ads that you display on your blog or website. Referring to his name, type of Google Adsense contextual ads will adjust to the content your blog or website. You are paid based on the calculation of the ad is clicked by a visitor, your blog or website.


WidgetBucks (Ref) is a program that combines the widget ads PPC and CPM (based on ad impressions). Display ads interesting enough choices based on the categories you want (can also be contextual). If your ad is clicked by visitors who live in countries of North America, the calculation is based on pay per click, but if the visitors are living in countries outside of North America, the calculation is based on ad impressions, or CPM.


Text-Link-Ads or TLA gives you the opportunity to sell text ads in your blog or website. You can choose a type of ad you want to plug in your blog or website. TLA uses ad pricing system based on traffic, the popularity of theme and your blog or website. The greater the traffic and the more popular your blog, ad prices even higher.


Chitika (Ref) provides the opportunity for blog or site owners to display ads according to the theme of their blog or site. One option is to Chitika Chitika ads eMinimals, which will display products and a shopping basket contextually in your blog or website.


Clicksor contextual advertising option provides quite a variety - such as text links, banners, pop-under ads, and search boxes - to your blog or website. You can select the type of ad you want and get rewarded if your ad is clicked by a visitor, your blog or website.

Yahoo Publisher Network

Yahoo Publisher Network is a program paid-to-advertise the type of Google Adsense launched by Yahoo Inc. Through YPN, you can display ads according to your blog or site content you and will be rewarded if the ad is clicked by a visitor, your blog or website.


Bidvertiser (Ref) pay for every ad that is clicked by a visitor, your blog or website based on price bidding (auction) the most expensive offered by the advertiser. Bidvertiser pays you through PayPal or check your account on a monthly basis with payment of the minimum value of $ 10.


YesAdvertising (Ref) provides sufficient advertising options exciting and varied. Payments are made every two weeks by check or PayPal. YesAdvertising receive traffic and registration of any country.


AdBrite (Ref) is one of the programs paid-to-advertise that allows you to accept or reject the ad you want to display on your blog or website. In this way, you can avoid the appearance of ads that do not fit with the content of blogs or a competitor's ads on your blog.

TTZ Media 

TTZ Media is a program pay-per-click which provides the opportunity for blog or site owners to display ads according to your own choice. If your blog or a product-based online shopping mall, you TTZ Media worth considering as your blog monetization options.


AzoogleAds allows blog or website owners display ads a product or service on their blog or website and get paid if the ad is clicked by visitors.


BlogAds is one of the paid-to programs, which allow you to advertise memonetisasi your blog or website. If you want to join, you must go through a sponsor who had first joined the BlogAds network.


LinkWorth is a program service providers paid-to-advertise with the form of text ads, both in-content ads as well as rotating ads, which allows you to put an ad in stem post your blog or website.


Specifically MediaFed use RSS feeds to display ads via RSS feed your blog or website.


Q-Ads provides the option to determine their own publisher for advertising keywords you want to appear on your blog or website. Other than through your blog or site, Q-Ads service also allows you to display ads via RSS feed.

Tribal Fusion 

Tribal Fusion is one of the paid-to-advertise a blog or site requires you to have a minimum of 2000 visitors per day, with a focused target audience, and always up-to-date to be a publisher.


Pheedo is the program paid-to-advertise that gives the choice to blog or website owner to take advantage of RSS feeds to display ads and earn a reward from the ads.


PeakClick is a program paid-to-advertise that allows you to display links and get PeakClick ad 70% value of advertising sales. Payments made by the Euro, but also allows you to get paid in USD.


TargetPoint provides text and graphical content relevant to your blog or website.


Pay scheme RevenuePilot provide for Performance (PFP) and Pay Per Click (PPC) to maximize revenue through ads that you display in your blog or website.


ROIRocket are paid network-to-advertise the scheme Pay-Per-Action which will give visitors a payment only if your blog or website to purchase a product or service from the ads that appear on your blog or website.


IndustryBrains provides contextual advertising option in the form of text and banner ads you can display on your blog or website.


OneMonkey is one of the options paid program-to-advertise that allows you to display text ads on your blog or website. Payment is given if the ad is clicked by a visitor, your blog or website.

Indonesia Affiliate 

Apart from foreign affiliates have a special affiliate program for Indonesia following his list:
KlikSaya.com, KumpulBlogger, PPCIndo.com, Indofad, PanenIklan and BisnisBlogger.

If you have not done monetization your blog or site, it never hurts to try the programs paid-to-advertise above. But before you join, you should first study carefully these Terms and Conditions of each program in order to avoid things that might harm you.

Good luck!

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